engage. train. support.

Equipment Training & Support Platform Crafted for Starbucks Partners

The evolution of this training over the last dozen years is astonishing. This is the most impactful training I’ve experienced in my 17 years as a partner.
Pete R.
Course Content
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Awesome experience! The videos were engaging and informative. I can't wait to share this with my team.
Landon B.
Store Manager
Course Content
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Audio/Video Quality
Impactful and well received amongst partners. This training does wonders for engagement and confidence across our team, so thank you!
Cindy P.
District Manager
Course Content
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This is amazing! The value of this digital format will have a really far reach. The info was to the point and thorough without being overwhelming.
Amanda H.
Facilities Rep
Course Content
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Highly engaging content, broken into simple concepts, in an easy-to-digest format, relevant to any partner, regardless of experience. I wish more of our learning material followed this format!
Gary W.
Store Manager
Course Content
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This allows us to scale faster, impact more partners and be nimble… partners have only positive feedback! This is more than a cost savings strategy. When we improve partner confidence, we improve sentiment and retention across the organization.
Jennifer P.
Course Content
User Experience
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Thank you TEAM! This was so much fun and helpful at the same time. It covered all the important things when running a perfect store. Loved it!
Fatima A.
Store Manager
Course Content
User Experience
Audio/Video Quality


Proactive maintenance is your key to minimizing equipment downtime. With our innovative tools, mastering SCEMM essentials becomes an engaging, efficient, and enjoyable experience.

Interactive 3D

Looking for Ways to Spark Your Partners' Interest in Training? Say goodbye to boring PDFs and hello to immersive 3D experiences! Our unique platform paves the way for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and AI-driven assistance, setting the stage for a future-ready learning environment.

Modular Learning

Seeking Fast-Paced and Progressive Training? Our micro-content is designed to seamlessly integrate into any schedule and every store setting. With a blend of insights from industry experts and engaging animated GIFs, we ensure your learning journey is not only effective but also memorable. Enable your team to rapidly acquire and apply new skills enhancing operational efficiency & boosting employee confidence.

Gamified Experience

Believe in the Power of Healthy Competition? Ignite the competitive spirit among partners with our dynamic leaderboards. Rise through the ranks, lead your district, beat your personal bests, and accumulate experience points. All while enjoying a dose of humor with amusing GIFs as you enhance your facility knowledge. Managers gain instant visibility of progress, knowledge gaps & top performers.

Parts Finder

Struggling to Locate the Right Parts? Envision the Station Ordering Guide transformed into a user-friendly, intelligent app. Effortlessly search, sort, and find store-orderable parts in mere seconds. Gain insights into the function of each part and discover exactly where to place your order. Designed for speed and efficiency, our solution minimizes downtime and sidesteps unnecessary vendor upcharges.

of Store Managers would recommend
of partners feel more supported
Training videos watched
Courses Completed
Score Before Training
Score After Training
Knowledge Growth

Insights Dashboard

Your dashboard simplifies training management, offering a clear, easy-to-navigate workflow that provides all the essentials without the complexity of Decision Center.

Full transparency from the top down. Track progress and training opportunities from a region to an individual trainee.

Real-time, organization-wide, performance & participation data provide checks and balances for you and your team.

User-level customized dashboards, data, and insights keep management informed and engaged with their team's learning journey.


Find answers to your questions and discover the unrivaled benefits of choosing Green Machine for your training needs.

What experience do we have in Food & Beverage Retail?

ARS has served the industry for 38 years and has been a top-rated vendor of Starbucks for 15+. Our expertise spans from B&G Repair to Facilities, Refurbishment, Construction, and Preventative Maintenance Training.

What is our history of innovation?

ARS manages one of the two nationwide Urn Refurbishment programs and successfully refurbished & put back in service over 20k Bunn servers. Our engineers designed the Bunn brewer steam guard, which has since protected the face of every new brewer. In collaboration with Starbucks facilities leaders, we designed and managed a live preventative maintenance training program for over a decade for the MidAtlantic & NYM.

Is this a prototype or a functioning SAAS offering?

Our platform has been upskilling partners for over 2 years and has been in constant QA and version upgrades since its release. Over 300,000 training videos have been watched on our system, and more than 3,000 courses have been completed.

What do trainees say about our service?

With over 1,200 trainee surveys completed, it seems partners love us as much as we love them! 98% of Store Managers would recommend our product to a peer, 95% feel more supported with access to these tools, and we’re rated as 4.8 out of 5 stars by all trainees =)

How effective is virtual training compared to traditional training methods?

Green Machine's virtual training is designed with modern pedagogical approaches, offering a gamified teaching methodology that makes learning fast and retainable. The training is led by industry experts and is broken down into micro-content modules, which have been proven to aid in better retention compared to traditional, long-form training methods.

How can I track the progress of individual employees or teams?

Green Machine offers Dashboards & Data that allow managers to track progress at various levels including individual trainees, stores, districts, and beyond. It facilitates user-level customization, offering insights and data that can help in tracking performance and identifying training opportunities effectively.

How can Green Machine's virtual training benefit our team and business operations?

Green Machine's virtual training empowers your team with knowledge and skills that lead to increased equipment uptime and reduced service calls, thus helping in allocating your budget towards improvements rather than solving crises. The training modules, which take just 2-10 minutes, provide immediate results, fostering efficiency in training and operations.

What makes the educational content of Green Machine immersive and effective?

Green Machine offers immersive educational content through 3D Equipment Tours and interactive virtual training that leverages technology to increase speed, engagement, and retention in learning. This method not only makes training fun and engaging but has also shown to foster a higher retention rate, ensuring that your team not just learns but retains what they learn.

How is Green Machine ARS different from other training platforms?

Green Machine ARS brings to you over 37 years of industry experience combined with cutting-edge UI/UX innovation, offering a unique platform that is crafted with utmost care for the food & beverage retail industry and its Gen Z employee base. It is a product of a collaborative venture grounded in deep industry expertise and a long-standing friendship, promising a platform that understands your needs deeply and meets them effectively.

Does Green Machine ARS offer support and resources for managerial roles?

Absolutely. Green Machine ARS offers features like Custom Management Dashboards and Experience-Based Leaderboards that not only help in monitoring and evaluating the progress of individual employees but also foster a competitive and efficient work environment. Moreover, it offers live chat support and live monthly open office training, ensuring that managerial roles have all the support and resources they need to lead effectively.

Why should we choose Green Machine for our training needs?

Green Machine stands out as a training platform owing to its cloud-based structure, offering an interactive and engaging learning experience that is fast, fun, and data-rich. The platform not only streamlines the training process but also aids in saving time and resources, making it a cost-effective solution for training retail employees.

Request Demo

Schedule a demo today and explore how you can reinvent partner equipment and facilities training.
